Saturday, August 22, 2020
Physical Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
Physical Security - Essay Example This paper focuses on that there is a likelihood that during the initial service a certain countryââ¬â¢s competitor may get assaulted by a psychological oppressor gathering. It might likewise happen that the initial service may get undermined inside and out by a fear based oppressor or state army gathering to criticize the pride of the host nation. In any of these cases, it turns out to be imperative to comprehend the way that security penetrates are conceivable and therefore, security should be fixed. This paper makes an end that similarly significant is maintaining the security during the award dissemination function just for similar reasons which have been referenced previously. Once more, it may happen that to hamper the national pride of the host country or the taking part country one may attempt to assault the triumphant group/sportsperson during the decoration circulation service. Additionally, it might happen that a triumphant member or sportsperson perhaps a fear based oppressor supporter or a psychological militant itself in appearance. The security appraisal of the close by emergency clinic or clinical focus is additionally exceptionally huge and basic to the general security process. Medical clinics are areas of most extreme powerlessness whenever contrasted with different areas which are a piece of the whole occasion. There is a likelihood that a minor calamity may prompt the hospitalization of certain individuals (sportsters/onlookers/coordinators) and a significant f iasco can be wanted to be executed in the emergency clinic since it gives a decent vantage point to the culprits of the security break.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Lab Report: Antibiotic Evaluation by the Kirby-Bauer Method
Lab Report: Antibiotic Evaluation by the Kirby-Bauer Method Introduction Chemical antimicrobial specialists are concoction mixes prepared to do either hindering the development of microorganisms or murdering them by and large. Those which are taken inside to ease the manifestations of or advance mending from infection are called chemotherapeutic medications, and among these is a class of mixes called anti-infection agents. All together for a chemotherapeutic medication to be classed as an anti-toxin, it must be created by a microorganism, for example, bacterium or parasite or possibly got from a synthetic delivered by one.It should likewise be fit for slaughtering or hindering the development of different microorganisms and of doing so when taken in little amounts. To contemplate whether a microbial item qualifies as a powerful anti-microbial, a standard methodology called the Kirby-Bauer strategy is utilized. This strategy, which is the methodology suggested by the US Food and Drug Administration, was contrived by William Kirby and A. W. Bauer in 1966. In the present conventions engaged with the Kirby-Bauer strategy, Mueller-Hinton standard agar is utilized as the vehicle for bacterial culture.The pH of the standard agar is 7. 2 to 7. 4 and it is poured solely to a profundity of 4 mm. The medium is intensely immunized with microscopic organisms and paper circles containing enough of the anti-toxin under examination to make an optical thickness of 1 (the McFarland standard) are set on the way of life. By inspecting the aftereffects of hatching as a zone of hindrance around each plate after brooding, it very well may be resolved how viable every anti-infection is against some random bacterium. A base inhibitory fixation would then be able to be derived for the given anti-infection versus he explicit bacterium tried so fitting measurement might be resolved. Safe microscopic organisms societies will show a little or no zone of hindrance if their development isn't adequately restrained for the anti-infection to be a practical applicant in treating disease by that living being. Delicate societies, then again, will be considerably restrained in their development or, in a perfect world, wiped out completely in a generally huge sweep around the McFarland standard plate. For this situation, the anti-infection under investigation may be recommended as a helpful counter to disease welcomed on by that especially bacterium.In the test talked about here, we tried eight anti-toxins against four regular artful pathogens, to be specific Streptococcus faecalis, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Of these, the initial two are Gram positive and the last pair are Gram negative. The eight anti-toxins tried were: Ampicillin, a beta-lactam anti-toxin that hinders the last phase of bacterial cell divider blend by authoritative to receptors inside the cell divider. The outcome is a permeable cell divider and resulting lysis comple ted by the microscopic organisms' own enzymes.It is powerful against numerous microbes, both Gram positive and Gram negative, and is especially utilized in treating disease by E. coli, Salmonella typhosa and Enterococcus faecalis, among others. (DrugBank) This anti-toxin is a semi-engineered subordinate of penicillin, which is itself an anti-infection created by the growth Penicillium notatum. Bacitracin, a blend of polypeptides acquired from Bacillus subtilis var Tracy. It hinders amalgamation of the peptidoglycan layer in Gram positive microscopic organisms by forestalling the capacity of an atom that transports segments to combination sites.Bacitracin has a low limit of poisonousness when taken orally or infused, yet it has discovered application as a topical salve in the counteraction of twisted contamination by Staphylococci. (DrugBank) Chloramphenicol, an expansive range anti-microbial that is delivered artificially yet which was initially found in a Streptomyces bacterium. It very well may be utilized against a few sorts of disease yet most prominently has discovered application in battling typhoid fever cholera. This anti-infection restrains protein union by smothering the capacity of the 50S subunit in bacterial ribosomes.Chloramphenicol is bacteriostatic yet doesn't eliminate microscopic organisms. It likewise has a low poisonousness edge when ingested, thus it is currently utilized only to battle perilous ailment or disease. (DrugBank) Erythromycin, which is delivered by a Streptomyces and capacities as a protein blend inhibitor similarly as Chloramphenicol. It is considerably less poisonous than Chloramphenicol and is utilized to battle such maladies as challenging hack, diptheria, and pelvic aggravation because of syphilis. (DrugBank) Novobiocin, one of the aminoglycoside antibiotics.This class of anti-microbials works by official to the bacterial 16S rRNA and causing the misreading of tRNA. Along these lines, the microbes orchestrates fragmented or harmful polypeptides, bringing about the passing of the bacterial cell. Novobiocin can be utilized to treat contamination by Gram negative microorganisms and Mycobacteria, including Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It isn't viable against anaerobic microbes, nonetheless, and isn't regularly utilized against Gram positive diseases on the grounds that different anti-infection agents that are less poisonous to the patient are accessible for this reason. DrugBank) Moreover, Novobiocin is known to tie to and change the capacity of DNA gyrase, viably halting legitimate replication in the bacterial cell and therefore bactericidal. Penicillin G, another anti-infection of the beta lactam class. It is utilized principally against Gram positive microscopic organisms, for example, the Streptococci but on the other hand is viable against some Gram negatives, for example, Neisseria gonorrhoeae and the spirochete Treponema pallidum, which is answerable for syphilis.Penicillin G hinders amalgamation if peptidoglycan by a similar component as in Ampicillin. (DrugBank) Polymyxin B, a blend of polypeptides got from Bacillus polymyxa. It tends to be utilized bactericidally against most Gram negative microscopic organisms and is applied regularly against urinary tract, blood, and meningal diseases of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. It has no impact upon Gram positive microorganisms. It eliminates bacterial cells by official to an expelling lipids in the cell membrane.Due to this instrument, in any case, Polymyxin B likewise harms eukaryotic cells and along these lines once in a while ends up being a neuro-and nephrotoxic in people. (DrugBank) Tetracycline, integrated from chlortetracycline, a compound created by a Streptomyces. It works by authoritative to the bacterial ribosome and meddling with protein amalgamation and is powerful against a wide scope of Gram positive and negative microbes, including the Mycoplasma and the microorganisms answerable for Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and non gonococcal urinary tract diseases. DrugBank) Material and Methods Cultures:Streptococcus faecalis Staphylococcus aureus Escherichia coli 1 Pseudomonas aeruginosa One individual each in a group of four intensely vaccinated two Mueller-Hinton agar plates with one of the way of life recorded by aseptic exchange from a stock culture utilizing a sterile q-tip. Each plate was separated into four portions, a sum of eight parts. One McFarland standard circle containing one of the eight anti-toxins tried was put, utilizing liquor fire sanitized forceps, in the focal point of a sector.After hatching for 18 hours at 37Ã °C, the widths of the reasonable (zones of restraint) around each McFarland plate was estimated with a standard ruler to the closest millimeter. The estimations acquired were coordinated against a graph (Claus 407) to decide if the bacterium was safe, delicate, or middle of the road in powerlessness to the anti-toxin utilized. The numbers against which these estimations are co ordinated consider the distinction in zone sizes brought about by varieties in dispersion rates through agar in the anti-toxins tried. Results Bacterium: Streptococcus faecalis | |Antibiotic utilized |Inhibition zone size (mm)|Culture reaction | |Ampicillin |28 |S | |Bacitracin |20 |S | |Chloramphenicol |22 |S | |Erythromycin |21 |S | |Novobiocin |20 |S | |Penicillin G |20 |S | |Polymyxin B |0 |R | |Tetracycline |24 |S | Bacterium: Staphylococcus aureus | |Antibiotic utilized |Inhibition zone size (mm)|Culture reaction | |Ampicillin |48 |S | |Bacitracin |22 |S | |Chloramphenicol |24 |S | |Erythromycin |25 |S | |Novobiocin |39 |S | |Penicillin G |43 |S | |Polymyxin B |0 |R | |Tetracycline |32 |S | Bacterium: Escherichia coli | |Antibiotic utilized |Inhibition zone size (mm)|Culture reaction | |Ampicillin |20 |S | |Bacitracin |11 |R | |Chloramphenicol |0 |R | |Erythromycin |25 |S | |Novobiocin |21 |S | |Penicillin G |8 |R | |Polymyxin B |6 |R | |Tetracycline |12 |R | Bacterium: Strept ococcus faecalis | |Antibiotic utilized |Inhibition zone size (mm)|Culture reaction | |Ampicillin |0 |R | |Bacitracin |0 |R | |Chloramphenicol |21 |S | |Erythromycin |22 |S | |Novobiocin |10 |R | |Penicillin G |0 |R | |Polymyxin B |18 |S | |Tetracycline |25 |S | Discussion S. faecalis was delicate to the entirety of the anti-microbials tried aside from Polymyxin B. Since that anti-toxin is known to be compelling just against Gram negative microorganisms, this perception is with regards to expected results.As a Gram positive, one would expect, as we watched, that it is delicate to polypeptide inhibitors, for example, Penicillin G and Ampicillin, just as protein amalgamation inhibitors, for example, Tetracycline and Erythromycin. Novobiocin, while not frequently utilized against Gram positives because of worries about its poisonousness, is known to be powerful against Gram positives too, which is borne out by these perceptions. Like S. faecalis, S. aureus is a Gram positive, thus woul d be relied upon to be touchy to similar anti-toxins and impervious to Polymyxin B. Our perceptions check this too. E. coli is Gram negative, and our perceptions demonstrate it to be delicate just to Ampicillin, Erythromycin, Novobiocin.It was, in any case, impervious to Penicillin G, showing that there is some synthetic factor which permits one beta lactam anti-infection to repress this bacterium (Ampicillin) while another (Penicillin G) doesn't. This is likely due to
Saturday, June 27, 2020
Overview of the Johor Corporation - Free Essay Example
CHAPTER 1 1.1OVERVIEW This chapter describes the background of company Johor Corporation, Wakaf Dana Niaga, and entrepreneurship element in Wakaf Dana Niaga. The first part of chapter explains about the background of Johor Corporation. Meanwhile the second part explains a brief background of Wakaf Dana Niaga as Islamic Corporate Social Responsibility- Endowment. Finally for the last part of this chapter, problem statement, objectives, research hypothesis, and scope of study are described. 1.2.BACKGROUND OF JOHOR CORPORATION Via Johor Enactment No. 4 1968 (as amended under Enactment No. 5, 1995), Johor Corporation (JCorp) was recognized as a public enterprise and a constitutional body and as a State Investment Corporation, JCorp positions among the nationà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s largest multinationals, with core business sectors covering Palm Oils, Foods and Quick Service Restaurants, Specialist Healthcare Services, Hospitality, Property Logistic/Services as well a s Intrapreneur Business (Johor Corporation, 2011) This research is based on Corporate Social Responsibility applied by JCorp under administration of WANCorp. WANCorp is stand for Waqaf An-Nur Corporation Berhad, and it is a limited company established to assurance proper management of Johor Corporation and its Group of Companiesà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢ stocks and assets under endowment. WANCorp serves as à ¢Ã¢â ¬ÃÅ"Maluku Alibià ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢ to stocks and other forms of the companyà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s security that has been put under endowment as a whole. WANCorp is also in authority on behalf of Johor Corporationà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s Corporate Social Responsible initiatives to accomplish Waqaf An-Nur Hospital (HWAN) chain of clinics (KWAN), Waqaf Dana Niaga, Waqaf Brigade and subsidising to the public through à ¢Ã¢â ¬ÃÅ"fi sabilillahà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢ benefit sharing. The à ¢Ã¢â ¬ÃÅ"fi sabilillahà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢ benefit sharing programme by Waqaf An-Nur has coped to be nefit patientsà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢ welfare, livelier mosques, entrepreneurial and educational programmes. Contributions were also stretched internationally through Somalia Humanitarian Aid and GAZA Humanitarian Fund. For the year 2011, WANCorp issued RM945,502.13 for contribution commitments and à ¢Ã¢â ¬ÃÅ"fi sabilillahà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢ benefit sharing (Johor Corporation, 2011). 1.3.WAKAF DANA NIAGA The significant area will be discuss in this research is Waqaf Dana Niaga, one of the obligation of WANCorp. Waqaf Dana Niaga is a cash endowment program whereas WANCorp is prepared and organized fund for entrepreneurs to sort out the business and pay back without any interest, totally clear from riba and gharar. Wakaf Dana Niaga is the describing of cash endowment or wakaf, while WANCorp performance as Microfinance Institution. In other words, cash wakaf is used as strategic investment in relieving poverty and economic deficiency as well as education, health and research and mi crofinance almost does the same (Adam, 2013). Ità ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s performance not such as bank loan, or other financial institutions that gain the profits from giving the fund to the borrowers. Refer to Shukri Adam et . Al (2013), microfinance is the financial services for unfortunate and low income clients offered by dissimilar types of services providers. The type of services are be subject to on the institution that giving the fund, on what purposes. But in this case, WANCorp is responsible as microfinance institution that gives the fund to poor and low income client based on the consecutively business matter. The clients should be entrepreneurs that derive from different business background. Here is attachment of the process of cash endowment model for Islamic MFI; Figure.1.1. Process of Cash Endowment Model for Islamic MFI (Lahsasna, 2009) From the figure above, the process is starting with presence of Waqaf founder, which is in this circumstance, an organization na mely as Johor Corporation, and appointment of trustee as fund manager is responsibility of WANCorp. WANCorp has implemented many types of corporate social responsibility such as build hospital, and clinics, but in this cash endowment for entrepreneurs, there must has one specific management team that monitoring the programme from beginning process until finish. Cash Endowment under Wakaf Dana Niaga will be an investment of the funds in equity or known as debt financing to the borrowers. Masyita (2003) stated that the micro financing programs which use loss profit sharing are one of the most significant sectors for poverty alleviation. Those investments are divides by two type of risk investment which are high risk investment and low risk management. High risk investment has Musharakah and Mudarabah fundamentals. Musharakah means relationship recognised under a contract by the joint consent of the parties for sharing of profits and losses, arising from a mutual enterprise or venture and profits shall be spread in the proportion mutually agreed in the contract. [2] Its easily defined as profit-loss sharing. Mudarabah refers to the payment of a specific amount of money to a person who uses it for business and makes a profit from it, or an investment. [3] While low risk supervision has Murabaha and Ijarah elements. Murabaha refer to the sale of goods at a price, means borrower should pay back loan concept and ità ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s free from riba and gharar while Ijarah means tenancy, rent or wage. Generally, the Ijarah theory refers to selling the benefit of use or service for a fixed price or wage [4]. Figure.1.2. Structure of Cash Waqaf Account Fund Mobilization and Investment (Ahcene Lahsasna et. Al 2009) Refer to Ahcene Lahsasna (2009), figure above shows the arrangement of cash wakaf account fund mobilization and investment that used in SME Microfinance in Malaysia. Cash Waqaf that organize by WANCorp is known as contributions endowments, by givi ng cash capital under à ¢Ã¢â ¬ÃÅ"Card Hassanà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢ platform, and the money will distribute to poor people and needy. This cash is belong to private owner which mean Johor Corporation, and has trustee (WANCorp) whoà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s responsible to manage the money. The trustee can be an owner or someone else. Since this cash wakaf is charity programme; the profit from investment must channel to charity too. The basic argument of those, who opposed the cash wakaf was based on a seemingly powerful point: once endowed, the corpus of a wakaf belongs to Almighty Allah( Shukri Adam et. Al,2012 ). The cash wakaf will distribute to the borrowers, which are needy and poor people. But what belongs Allah, the opposition argued, cannot distribute to third persons (Shukri Adam et. Al, 2012). Below, the figure is about Prof. Murat Cizackaà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s model of cash wakaf shows in what manner the revenue would be channelled to microfinance institutions. Figure.1.3. How Revenue Should be Channel to MFI( Murat Chizacka ) Cash wakaf is a form of movable wakaf property which is structured by money with the leading purpose to be in service for religious and charitable projects for the people for the sake of Allah (Shukri Aam et.Al, 2012). On the other way, the profits advantage from investment is used for any other commitments such as pay utilities, donation, and salary and invests again as cash wakaf. 1.4.ENTREPRENEURSHIP The entrepreneurs in this platform have selected by the board of directors before they can take part in the Waqaf Dana Niaga program. They should be Muslims and have some standards that pass the rules and regulation specified by WANCorp since based on annual report, 532 applications were accepted however only 272 were approved by top management to get business loan. The applicants originated from many places all around Johor and Negeri Sembilan. Formerly, entrepreneurship can be the capability and readiness to develop, esta blish and manage a business speculation along with any of its risks in order to make a turnover [5]. Entrepreneurship is a progression of classifying and preparatory a business project, obtaining and organizing the required resources and captivating both the risks and prizes associated with the venture. Entrepreneurs used their skill to syndicate many sources such as land, labour, natural resources, and capital so that they can generate the profits. They are required strong inner self that categorized by innovation and risk-taking, and is crucial part of ability to succeed in the business and has competitive element globally. Entrepreneurship element in this program Wakaf Dana Niaga is WANCorp give the fund to the person that has interest to do business dealing, based on their business background, after do some research about the potential of their business. Generally, entrepreneurship is the process of determining different methods of combining resources. When the market value p roduced by this new mixture of resources is greater than the market value these resources can generate elsewhere individually or in some other combination, the entrepreneur creates a profit. 1.5.THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK 1.6.PROBLEM STATEMENT Currently, the main problem related with implementing wakaf arrangement by many organization in Malaysia is the low creation rate of successful entrepreneur from the program, spontaneously the effect is the company became loss in capital and has undesirable influence on the fund given after provided some amount of money to the entrepreneurs, and objective of the company to be successful in wakaf program is unachievable. 1.7.OBJECTIVES The main objectives of research are: à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢To explore the most critical success factor of entrepreneurs from Wakaf Dana Niaga à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢To identify the existence of Islamic Microfinance can support the success of the entrepreneurs. 1.8.RESEARCH QUESTION 1. What is the most critical success factor of entrepreneurs from microfinance program? 2. Is the existence of Islamic microfinance supporting the success of entrepreneurs? 1.9.SCOPE OF RESEARCH This research is study about three critical factors that can be a motive of entrepreneurs to be successful, which are psychological and personal skills, management skills and training, and external environment. These three critical factors of entrepreneurà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s success were developed by Benzing. Besides that, the researcher also wants to study the impact of the existence of microfinance in helping the entrepreneurà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s success. The questionnaires were distributed to entrepreneurs from Wakaf Dana Niaga to achieve actual data associated with objective of research. 1.10.ORGANIZATION OF THESIS This thesis has been prepared to give details on the facts, observations, arguments, and information in order to meet its objectives. Chapter one generally gives the brief background of the company Johor Corporation, background of Wakaf Dana Niaga, entrepreneurship element, the problem statement, objectives, research question, and scope of research. Chapter two presents the literature review of Corporate Social Responsibility, wakaf as financial responsible and critical factor of success entrepreneurs in that program, and also future opportunities are being discussed. Chapter three carries out the presentation of detailed work done during this research.
Monday, May 18, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Improving Education through Continuous Development and...
Improving Education through Continuous Development and Renewal A fundamental question that pervades the minds of many is how to improve the educational system so that the curriculum is relevant and continuously adaptive to societal needs. Throughout this century, change has taken place in the educational arena; yet the ideal education never seemingly results. Through each thread in time, curriculum is viewed as an entity with both institutional and technical formââ¬âan idea or concept embedded within the political and social structures that currently exist (Reid Walker 1975). The role of schools to impart knowledge and to enrich each individualââ¬â¢s sense of well being brings about an integral question: what should the curriculumâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦In the middle to late 1940ââ¬â¢s, numerous national organizations began to press for intercultural education; thus, an intercultural unit became an added component to the Social Studies program. Despite the concern for such an issue, the lack of support from the national level f or such a school role was not available at the time (Reid Walker 1975). In 1954, a landmark decision in Brown v. the Topeka Board of Education directly influenced school curriculum from a federal level. The courtââ¬â¢s decision provided that separate was not equal, thus inevitably claiming that separate schools based upon racial, economic, or social distinctions could not provide equal educational access to children. As a result, legal segregation of students became a violation of individual constitutional rights (Eisner 1979). This judgment has generated a plethora of other legal decisions serving to enforce the ideal of equal opportunity. For example, the busing of children to create rapid desegregation by integrating the school system caused many students to be shipped across town to schools not within their own neighborhoods. As a result, many parents withdrew their children from the public educational system because they felt the government was favoring minority status. Therefore, with this decision came the move to a more centralized school syst emââ¬âas the federal hand beginning to play a larger role than ever before.Show MoreRelatedCase Study : Hacienda Encantada Resort Spa853 Words à |à 4 Pagespractitioners may not be necessarily interchangeable with different business or organizations. It is in my belief that Hacienda Encantada Resort Spa would be more easily acceptable to use internal Organization Development practitioners mainly as it relates to providing continuous learning opportunities. Yet, it is also my opinion that external OD practitioner such as technology would have a better chance at being effective within Hacienda Encatada Resort Spa. 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Chen Ta Erh The Time Bomb Essay Example For Students
Chen Ta Erh: The Time Bomb Essay Chen Ta Erh:The Time BombIn Mans Fate, Andre Malraux examines the compelling forces that lead individuals to join a greater cause. Forced into a life of contempt, Chen portrays the man of action in the early phases of the Chinese Revolution.He dedicates himself to the communist cause.It is something greater than himself, a phenomenal concept that he has fused into.It is something for which he will give his life.How did this devotion come about?A combination of his personality, his interior life, as well as societys influence, molded him into a terrorist. Chen is self-destructive; he is controlled by his religion of terrorism and his fascination with death.He is representative of the dedicated soldier who begins as a sacrificial priest (4) and ends as a martyr.After all, the ideologies of communism and terrorism were practically a religion to those involved in the revolution. An examination of Chens past gives us an idea of how he formed his beliefs, and fell into a state of isolation.At an early age, his parents were murdered in the pillage of Kalagan.In addition, at age twenty-four, his uncle was taken hostage and killed because he couldnt afford the ransom, and with no wife or children he was severed from any attachment to a family. He was practically brought up by pastor Smithson, representative of the thousands of Christians that were present in Shanghai, who gave him his Christian education.However, as he was devoid of charity, a religious calling could lead him only to contemplation or the inner life; but he hated contemplation and would only have dreamt of an apostleship, for which precisely his absence of charity disqualified him (64). Thus, he was unable to be a devout Christian, and in addition to this Old Gisors makes a comment about Chens basis for a belief:No sooner had he observed Chen than he had understood that!this adolescent was incapab le of living by an ideology which did not immediately become transformed into action.(64). Although he is Chinese ethnically, he felt estranged and unconnected to his heritage.His separation from his ethnicity can be demonstrated through his physical appearance which relates more to a Mongolian than a Chinese national. His attachment to a class rather than a nation is reflected in Suan, who states I dont want to create China I want to create my people, with or without her.The poor.Its for them that Im willing to die, to kill.For them only. (189).It is clear that Chen and Suan do not feel as though they are part of China, and the quote also indicates that one of the chief reasons for feeling this way is their economic condition.For it was a time when many were starving in China, and agrarian land reform was most desperately needed.Colonialism causes an indeterminate quality ofidentity, and it creates a need for a radical change to link people such as Chen to a culture.They have been tainted by foreign culture, and no one feels like an !insider.Chen has been shaped by this society and wants to diminish the suffering that it has brought about. It is the historical situation that Chen is in that helps him make the choices that he does. At 24 years of age, Chen had no money, but only worthless diplomas.He was a truck driver, then an assistant chemist:everything had pushed him into political activity:the hope of a different world, the possibility of eating, though wretchedly (he was naturally austere, perhaps through pride), the gratification of his hatreds, his mind, his character.This activity gave a meaning to his solitude(65).It leads him to fight to unite everyone under a big community, where they escape from isolation and live more equal lives. .u332cad133584df036c22b63dccf058f9 , .u332cad133584df036c22b63dccf058f9 .postImageUrl , .u332cad133584df036c22b63dccf058f9 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u332cad133584df036c22b63dccf058f9 , .u332cad133584df036c22b63dccf058f9:hover , .u332cad133584df036c22b63dccf058f9:visited , .u332cad133584df036c22b63dccf058f9:active { border:0!important; } .u332cad133584df036c22b63dccf058f9 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u332cad133584df036c22b63dccf058f9 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u332cad133584df036c22b63dccf058f9:active , .u332cad133584df036c22b63dccf058f9:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u332cad133584df036c22b63dccf058f9 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u332cad133584df036c22b63dccf058f9 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u332cad133584df036c22b63dccf058f9 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u332cad133584df036c22b63dccf058f9 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u332cad133584df036c22b63dccf058f9:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u332cad133584df036c22b63dccf058f9 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u332cad133584df036c22b63dccf058f9 .u332cad133584df036c22b63dccf058f9-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u332cad133584df036c22b63dccf058f9:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Acid Rain Is A Problem That Has Plagued Earth For Years. It Is Poisoni EssayChen can not live in his present situation, however The world they were preparing condemned him Chen as much as it did that of their enemies(103).What would he do in a factory? He is not taken as a working class member, as seen by the scene in which the antiquarian believes him to be of the higher class. The store clerk is somewhat justified for Chen lies between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, with his University of Peking education.However, Chen is not rich either.Thus, it is apparent that once the revolution came to an end he would not fit into the new order.There is no place for him in t he old wor..ld or the new; he is an instrument of destruction. Chen lives by the ideology of action terrorism.Even his physical appearance is suggestive of his line of work.He has hawk-like physical features, indicating a bird of prey.Chen clearly states his intentions:Im not looking for peace.Im looking for the opposite. (173).In addition, Chen devotion to his cause is phenomenal.To him, terrorism is even greater than a religion.This is seen through the dialogue between Gisors and Chen.Gisors asks You want to make a kind of religion of terrorism? (192), and Chen responds, Not a religion.The meaning of life. Thethe complete possession of oneself.Total. Absolute.To know.Not to be looking, looking, always, for ideas, for duties(192).It becomes clear as to how it is possible to commit ones life to the cause. The cause, which is a means to an end, becomes the end in itself. However, it is not so easy to take the life of another.He is hesitant about killing someone else, but to a large degree he has no choice.This is perhaps the most important conflict between human impulse and his ideology. This dichotomy is further exemplified through the transition from Chens state of mind to the outside, and the inability to recognize ones own recorded voice.These are representative of the switch between the individual mind and the bigger causes to which he serves, as well as the existential dilemma that each individual is cut off from himself.In the end it is the ideology that takes power over him.For it is much more important to serve the higher objective, and he serves it as a sacrificial priest. Chen makes his connection with others through death.This can be demonstrated through Hemmelrichs experience:It came to him suddenly that life was not the only mode of contact between human beings, that it was not even the best; that he could know them, love them, possess them more completely in vengeance than in life.One can kill with love' (267).This is supported by Chens actions.For before Chen kills he always inflicts upon himself some sort of physical harm.In doing so he feels what his victim will feel, and Chen identifies with him in this way. Chen, like many followers of the revolution, were completely dedicated to the cause.However, it is ironicthat it is still the Chinese who do the dirty work.It is he who kills the first victim of the insurrection to get the document necessary to gain access to the guns, and it is he who takes the most physically active role and eventually gives his life for the cause.It is those who are not ethnically Chinese who are giving the orders, and assuming the highest positions.So dedicated is Chen that the fear of death does not ward him off, it actually calls him to battle, and he decides to continue as planned to kill Chiang Kai-Shek.Despite the fact that people who fail in an attempted suicide rarely try again, Chen goes out for a second assault. He wants the action of the revolution, yet he realizes that if Chiang Kai-Shek were killed and Chen lived then he would be obsolete as a terrorist.His ultimate fulfillment is brought about by dying for his cause. .u0b6966e3a60398e4c53eef8dc48267ba , .u0b6966e3a60398e4c53eef8dc48267ba .postImageUrl , .u0b6966e3a60398e4c53eef8dc48267ba .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u0b6966e3a60398e4c53eef8dc48267ba , .u0b6966e3a60398e4c53eef8dc48267ba:hover , .u0b6966e3a60398e4c53eef8dc48267ba:visited , .u0b6966e3a60398e4c53eef8dc48267ba:active { border:0!important; } .u0b6966e3a60398e4c53eef8dc48267ba .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u0b6966e3a60398e4c53eef8dc48267ba { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u0b6966e3a60398e4c53eef8dc48267ba:active , .u0b6966e3a60398e4c53eef8dc48267ba:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u0b6966e3a60398e4c53eef8dc48267ba .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u0b6966e3a60398e4c53eef8dc48267ba .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u0b6966e3a60398e4c53eef8dc48267ba .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u0b6966e3a60398e4c53eef8dc48267ba .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u0b6966e3a60398e4c53eef8dc48267ba:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u0b6966e3a60398e4c53eef8dc48267ba .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u0b6966e3a60398e4c53eef8dc48267ba .u0b6966e3a60398e4c53eef8dc48267ba-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u0b6966e3a60398e4c53eef8dc48267ba:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: In Cold Blood EssayFor h!e knows how much weight an idea acquires through the blood that is shed in its name.Chens thought before he kills himself indicates that he achieves a peace through suicide:And suddenly everything seemed extraordinarily easy to Chen.Things, even actions, did not exist; they were dreams, nothing but dreams which take possession of us because we give them force, but which we can just as easily deny (180).This is further reinforced by Chens idea thatIn the last hour I have felt nothing of what used to weigh on me (192). Chen is the terrorist for the insurrection. His faith had isolated himself from the world instead of submitting to it.We have a personal need for connection, Chen is isolated until the end, when all differences are subsumed. Communism gives a sense of escaping isolation.For under this ideology there is a personal connection and an feeling of equality.It is the ultimate fulfillment to live his idea, and more importantly to die for his cause a cause that is much greater than the individual.In the end Chen becomes the bomb. BibliographyMalraux, Andre.Mans Fate:La Condition Humaine. New York: Vintage Books.1990
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Talcott Parsons Essay Example For Students
Talcott Parsons Essay IntroductionOf his time, Talcott Parsons (1902-1979) was considered the most admired American sociologist. Parsons was bread into a well-to-do family and was given a strong educational foundation as a child. Starting as a biologist, Parsons felt out of place and transferred to economics and sociology. As he excelled in these fields, Parsons began studies in Europe, giving him a wide view on different societies. He began teaching at Harvard, and there he exposed his sociological thoughts. Although very controversial, Parsons works had influences on all aspects of Sociology. He generally focused on social action and systems and believed that morality in social action is the main element to help preserve social order. In The Structure of Social Action (1937), Parsons developed earlier sociologists views into a theory of social action, or the action theory. These ideas look into todays society and its institutional structures, which work to clarify action and to gain from it. His second book, The Social System (1951), extends and further explains his prior theories, including a structural-functional strategy. Talcott Parsons functionalistic ways, influenced by Bronislaw Malinowski, became the center of debate. His beliefs were questioned and challenged by rival sociologists. His studies became even greater and his theories more significant. Until the time of his death, his principal aim focused on the systematic study of social action and its components. He looked at the surrounding factors and if and why they influenced the social system. As an award before his death, Parsons received high honors for his accomplishments in sociology. Many people considered him the most intelligent sociologist of his era. Methods for Securing InformationTo gather material on this subject, I used a few research tools. First, I utilized the internet as a source of information. Starting off, I figured I would use search engines, or special programs that find websites concerning your t opic, to begin. I listed as many keywords as I could, including Talcott Parsons, Parsons, sociology, sociologists, dead sociologists, and structural-functional paradigm. I then used these keywords in my searches on the yahoo!, excite, starting point, and webcrawler search engines. I passed trough websites, selecting valuable information and printing out what was needed. I looked over the various internet articles, and I highlighted and took notes on some important details. I kept the web pages nearby for quick reference. Next, I visited the Boca Raton Public Library to collect more substantial data. I began by using the librarys computers to search for information on Talcott Parsons and sociology. I was lead to the International Encyclopedia of Social Sciences, in which I found biographical supplements. I copied specific pages concerning Talcott Parsons, and as I read the text, I choose certain information for reviewing. This information was observantly copied to note cards. I locat ed two other encyclopedias, The New Encyclopedia Britannica and Encyclopedia Americana, and repeated the steps as before, using note cards to take notes. During my search, I found a paperback book on sociology. I studied the section pertaining to Talcott Parsons, and I took careful notes on his works. Afterwards, I researched the historical events happening while Parsons grew up. Initially, I found these events on the Society in History: Time Lines in my sociology text book. I noted the events and relied on the internet. I used the same method as before, search engines and websites. I listed the keywords on the subjects and found many different articles. I printed the useful documents and reviewed them for significant points. Last, I highlighted the main topics and noted the major facts. We will write a custom essay on Talcott Parsons specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Biographical InformationTalcott Parsons was born on December 13, 1902 in Colorado Springs. His family consisted of five siblings and his mother and father, Mary Ingersol Parsons and Edward Parson. According to the Inter. Encyclopedia of Social Sciences, His motherwas a suffragistand his father was a social gospel Protestant of broad academic interests (610). Parsons was academically pushed by his father, who was the first in the family to attend college. Although of Christian faith, his family was still interested in the sciences of Darwinism, which gave Parsons an early view of science. He attended high school at Horace Mann High School in New York City. After graduation, he started his studies at Amherst College. Parsons majored in biology, but shifted his thoughts to sociology later in his learning experience at Amherst. In 1924, Talcott graduated from Amherst and moved on to the London School of Economics. During his instruction in sociology and economics, Parsons began finding a correlation between his two interests. Sociology at Hewett explains that Talcotts most crucial experience was in his lecture with Bronislaw Malinowski: He was converted to functionalism under the influence of the anthropologist Bronislaw Malinowski (1 of 2). Soon after Parsons began the London School of Economics, he was offered a place at the University of Heidelberg. In Germany, he was exposed to a new view of social thought, entailing Max Webers beliefs. Parsons began his classes in economics and sociology and Marxian theory. In 1927, he was awarded his doctorate in economics at Heide lberg, and he married Helen B. Walker around the same time. He then returned to America to teach economics at Harvard University. From 1928 to 1929, Talcott produced two writings about his main thoughts on society. He used different sociologists views and made critiques on them and incorporated his own conceptions. Parsons was still interested in the relationship between economics and sociology, and he began to notice that they had complex links. He was caught between the two fields, which he both admired, and noticed he had to make a change. So in 1931, Parsons became a member of Harvards sociology department and launched his teachings in the new subject. .u1b2ceb88d5b0c4883294782ccf0922c6 , .u1b2ceb88d5b0c4883294782ccf0922c6 .postImageUrl , .u1b2ceb88d5b0c4883294782ccf0922c6 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u1b2ceb88d5b0c4883294782ccf0922c6 , .u1b2ceb88d5b0c4883294782ccf0922c6:hover , .u1b2ceb88d5b0c4883294782ccf0922c6:visited , .u1b2ceb88d5b0c4883294782ccf0922c6:active { border:0!important; } .u1b2ceb88d5b0c4883294782ccf0922c6 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u1b2ceb88d5b0c4883294782ccf0922c6 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u1b2ceb88d5b0c4883294782ccf0922c6:active , .u1b2ceb88d5b0c4883294782ccf0922c6:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u1b2ceb88d5b0c4883294782ccf0922c6 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u1b2ceb88d5b0c4883294782ccf0922c6 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u1b2ceb88d5b0c4883294782ccf0922c6 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u1b2ceb88d5b0c4883294782ccf0922c6 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u1b2ceb88d5b0c4883294782ccf0922c6:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u1b2ceb88d5b0c4883294782ccf0922c6 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u1b2ceb88d5b0c4883294782ccf0922c6 .u1b2ceb88d5b0c4883294782ccf0922c6-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u1b2ceb88d5b0c4883294782ccf0922c6:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Vocabulary for art history EssayDuring 1937, while teaching at Harvard, Talcott brought forth his first major work, The Structure of Social Action. Encyclopedia Britannica describes, Parsons drew on elements from the work of several European writersto develop a common systematic theory of social action (171). In the book, he investigated the theorists views and compared and contrasted between them. And he always centered his focus on moralitys place in social action. Soon, Parsons became a full professor in Sociology and began relating other fields to hi own. Two years later, Parsons attended a psychology institute, where he focused on Freuds theories. Parsons started payi ng attention to anthropology and psychology, and he formed an in depth analysis of the Freudian theory. In 1946, Talcott helped create the department of social relations, in which he was nominated as chairperson. To add, he became the president of the American Sociological Society in 1949. By the 1950s, he became the most celebrated sociologist in academic life (International Encyclopedia of Social Science 616). Parsons second book, The Social System, looked at his theses on a much bigger scale, and included many altered thoughts. He used his new studies as background information on the three types of action organization, cultural, social, and personality. He included the major problems of society and his structural-function views, how societys parts work together to maintain social order. As his views formed, he received much controversy on his subjects because they were so broad and varied. Although, Parsons continued his studies and developed an even wider view over time. He thou ght of society as four main parts, which were specialized for their purposes. He began using these examples for many studies in his later career. Also, Parsons looked at ancient civilizations as references. His study ran through the investigation of these societies and how they evolved to todays people. He examined all aspects of society and tried to incorporate them into one social science. His studies continued at Harvard University until 1973, when he retired. Not much is said about his after life, but he may have continued his views on society. He was very controversial and had a broad view, however, he was still an extremely influential Sociologists and contributed a lot to the field. On May 8, 1979, Talcott Parsons died in Munich, Germany. Living a long life, Parsons achieved many goals and left his mark in Sociology. Historical EventsWhile Parsons grew up, several historical events occurred. To begin, in 1903, the first working airplane was invented. Orville and Wilbur Wright successfully invented a working airplane in December 1903. They flew this plane for thirty-seven miles around a town in Ohio, and it landed perfectly. The airplane was later used in WW1. Another main event that happened was World War 1. This war was fought from 1914-1918, while Parsons was a teenager. During this segment, America, Great Britain, Russia, and France, fought against the German army in Europe. Simultaneously, America was battling Japan on the other side of the world. Both axis powers, Germans and Japanese, were trying to gain political control of other nations. In sociological history, there were two happenings that took place. Both losses were of the same subject and transpired around the same time. In 1917, Emile Durkeim, a French sociologist who was known for his suicide study, died. Then, three years later, Max Weber passed away. Patricia Miller-Shaivitz claims that Max Weber was a German sociologist, who was recognized for his study on institutions. These were considered two big losses for sociology. Contributions to SociologyTalcott Parsons started with his assessment of other sociologists views. He used these matters to form his own understanding on the subject and to create his theories. His views on social action and the social system created motion in the world of sociology. His works lead to Parsonianism, and they helped followers form their own theories on the matter. Parsons writing caused a lot of opposition in sociology, which helped arguing associates intervene with their thoughts. .uc35674fb060d93fcde885206fe89e87d , .uc35674fb060d93fcde885206fe89e87d .postImageUrl , .uc35674fb060d93fcde885206fe89e87d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uc35674fb060d93fcde885206fe89e87d , .uc35674fb060d93fcde885206fe89e87d:hover , .uc35674fb060d93fcde885206fe89e87d:visited , .uc35674fb060d93fcde885206fe89e87d:active { border:0!important; } .uc35674fb060d93fcde885206fe89e87d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uc35674fb060d93fcde885206fe89e87d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uc35674fb060d93fcde885206fe89e87d:active , .uc35674fb060d93fcde885206fe89e87d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uc35674fb060d93fcde885206fe89e87d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uc35674fb060d93fcde885206fe89e87d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uc35674fb060d93fcde885206fe89e87d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uc35674fb060d93fcde885206fe89e87d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uc35674fb060d93fcde885206fe89e87d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uc35674fb060d93fcde885206fe89e87d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uc35674fb060d93fcde885206fe89e87d .uc35674fb060d93fcde885206fe89e87d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uc35674fb060d93fcde885206fe89e87d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Defining Yourself EssayHis first book made a base for his theses and attracted a lot of attention. His supporters were formed and so was his Parsonian concept. His followers and concepts grew and widened. His notions created a big mark in sociology and in also other subjects. His views built a new way of thinking for other sociologists, leading to new subject matters and thoughts. With the release of Parsons second book, antagonism began stirring in sociology. His works caused competitors to criticize, and this enticed them to construct thoughts to fight Parsons conception In turn, he developed theories that associates could use to make similar or diverse assumptions. Unti l now, his works still are used as basic views on society, and they help us understand specific subject matters. During his teachings at Harvard University, Talcott induced his and other views into the minds of many young students. So, you can say that he bread a strong herd of sociologists. Parsons assisted in the movement for a sociology department at Harvard and ran it for many years. This new department was where the elite sociologists learnt their basics and graduated as leading theorists. Parsons also merged three fields of study, anthropology and psychology with sociology, which is still used by modern day sociologists. Even though he contributed in many other ways, Parson theories and views are still his main benefactions to sociology. Many people were interested in the action theory and his thoughts on social action, systems, evolution, and order, and people even ponder them nowadays. Encyclopedia Americana acknowledges that His work will continue to capture our imagination and respect (480). Sociologists and theorists will be using his notions for a long time to come. My ReactionsAs I began to research Talcott Parsons, I could not realize why people, mostly in the social science field, respected him so much. With the little information I could secure, I started to learn more about his life, and why he was so admired. I feel that people liked him because of his works, incorporating all aspects of society, and his contributions to society. His views looked at societys different parts, and how they worked as a group to perform specialized tasks. People felt that as he was trying to understand society, Parsons was trying to help society. His views included the whole society and created a new chapter of sociology. Along with this, he helped sociology by making the field well known. He was one person who started Harvards department of sociology, and he affiliated three main studies: anthropology, psychology, and sociology. All these factors influenced sociology and, therefore, made people honor Talcott Parsons. I would like to add that from the 50s to 6 0s, Parsons life and career was awfully complex. He was involved in many views on society, and he had numerous writings. I was not able to include that whole part of his life because it was too in depth and detailed. However, I pointed out the major elements of that time frame. Also, information on the last ten years of his life was out of my grasp. It is either unknown or exceptionally hard to locate. Bibliography
Monday, March 16, 2020
Custom Essay Paper Writing (Page 15)
Custom Essay Paper Writing (Page 15) Persuasive research paper: Lead-in! Persuasive research papers are general-purpose in high school and college-level English or writing classes. The main idea of a persuasive research paper is to argue a specific side of the question. To know some statement points will be helpful for you during your writing process. Your teacher should keep you focused on the main point. But before you start creating the persuasive research paper, you first must choose an issue/problem to persuade the reader Continue reading Papers Psychology Research Papers Psychology Research: Taste of Happiness Colleges, universities, friends, parties, vacations, bright holidays first love All these pleasant and exciting things can be spoiled by papers psychology research writing. Do not let papers psychology research to become a thing, which poisons your happy college life, get rid of papers psychology research writing. 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Friday, February 28, 2020
Malta Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Malta - Essay Example It indicates the general views that Malta is a transit country and the vast majority of migrants hope to reach other European countries rather than settle in the Islands. It also includes relevant statistical information on migration and the foreign population in the Maltese Islands. In the conclusion, it indicates possible future research development and alerts against the possible risks of limiting research to the topical issues of illegal immigration and border control for both economically and socially acceptable solutions. With an area of just over 300 square kilometers and a total population of 399,867 (Department of Information of the Maltese government, 2003), the Maltese Islands have been for several decades one of the most densely populated countries in the world, thus facing the problem of how to strike a balance between population growth and the limited economic resources of the country. During particular historical phases, the combination of overpopulation and unemployment resulted in the emigration of thousands of Maltese abroad. Since the 1980s, however, such emigration has slowed down and, over the past recent years, the flows have reverted with immigration being on the increase. Large scale emigration ha... Since the 1980s, however, such emigration has slowed down and, over the past recent years, the flows have reverted with immigration being on the increase. Large scale emigration has been a feature of Maltese life since the early years of the nineteenth century when, under British colonial rule, early efforts to encourage and assist Maltese to migrate began. The outflow started to develop on a more permanent basis during the two World Wars when the government established the Department of Emigration to manage the emigration flow (NSO 2003a). After the Second World War, Maltese emigration reached its peak. Government's efforts to facilitate it were intensified and turned migration into one of the main political answers to the country post-war economic hardship. In fact, in the aftermath of the war the economic conditions of the country had begun to take a down-turn and, consequently, many Maltese lost their jobs (i.e. the dockyard, which used to employ about 11,000 people, began gradually to wind down). Furthermore, a baby boom in the immediate post-war period, led to a net population growth of about 8000 people/year thus leading to a density of 1,158 people per km and a total population of nearly 350,000. As a consequence, in the late '40s and '50s, many Maltese began to leave the country and migrate abroad opening a new phase of massive and rapid migration. "Intensive propaganda was carried out to the squares of every town and village so much so that many had the impression that to solve their problems all they had to do was to pack their belongings and leave." (Attard 1997; p.2). As a matter of fact, from 1945 to 1979 around 140,000 men, women and children left the Maltese Islands with Australia, the UK, Canada, and the US
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Describing the Formal Elements of Line, Light, Form, and Space Before Essay
Describing the Formal Elements of Line, Light, Form, and Space Before you begin - Essay Example Hasegawa Tohaku dominantly used lines in his painting particularly vertical, contour and diagonal lines. Although lines are dominant in this painting, the artist produced a three-dimensional illusion in his painting. The lines are more of the romantic or expressive than analytic because the lines are not precisely straight but are soft and more of an impression. The use of vertical lines in the painting can visibly be seen as tree trunks and the expressive nature of the lines used helped in giving an impression of the texture and form of the trunk of pine trees which are not actually precise straight lines. The diagonal lines in the painting are perceptible in some of the tree trunks and the branches of the trees. These lines give an impression of movement among the branches and helps in providing a spatial illusion between the trees and the branches. In producing the three-dimensional effect in Hasegawa Tohakuââ¬â¢s painting, aside from lines the artist also employed the element of light. Since the medium used on the painting Pine Trees is ink, the artist skilfully produced a feeling of space, distance and the scene that depicts the trees as though under the moonlight or probably at dawn because of the impression of fog among the trees.
Friday, January 31, 2020
Otherness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Otherness - Essay Example The domination of Native Americans by European settlers, relegated them to no longer be masters of their identity. In films and books they were portrayed as savage and ignorant. They met the typical definition of the other in that in the eyes of the dominant group they lacked some ââ¬Å"essential qualityâ⬠(The Other, 2010). This othering of a group within society has very negative consequences. It is well illustrated in Sherman Alexieââ¬â¢s story ââ¬Å"This Is What It Means to Say Phoenix, Arizona.â⬠This stpry shows readers about life on a reservation. Identity is at its heart; especially the tension between an identity you make for yourself and one that is given to you by someone more powerful. Alexie's story tells the reader a great deal about what life can be like for Native Americans. It shows the serious social conditions on reservations and the breakdown of family relations due to substance abuse and other problems. The truth is that many Native Americans today live in the shadow of a trauma that was done to them many years ago. We have to have a sense of history if we are to understand people like Victor or Thomas Builds the Fire. These are men who are placed outside of society and whose sense of self is shaped not by their own dreams and ambitions but by a relentless effort to define them as others, as not full citizens. It is no wonder that faced with this kind of onslaught so many Native Americans struggle with substance abuse problems. The fact that much of the plot of this story takes place on a reservation is key. The Natives have been separated from the rest of society. They live on their small plots of lands with their own rules. They are not assimilated. In fact, few people know much about them. They are, in a sense, outside of history. History plays a major role in defining identities. What Alexie manages to show us, however, is how the characters in his story are more than blank canvasses or merely Otherââ¬âthey are real l ive human beings, facing their own struggles to shape their own place in the world. They are, for example, still able to forgive one another, as Thomas Builds the Fire is willing to forgive Victor. Thomas is passionate about storytellingââ¬âto him it is a ways to find his own place in the world and take some control over his circumstances. This is how a group defined as Others does its best to fight backââ¬âby telling its own stories about itself. In this story, it is Thomas who is ostracized on the reservation. Alexie represents otherness through the treatment of Thomas by the band. Anyone who is seen to have an imagination is considered to be different. Thomas tells the ââ¬Å"same damn story over and over againâ⬠(Alexie, 62), and for this reason in part is seen to be different. When he breaks his leg, he is hated, for being imaginative enough to embrace his dream, even if only for a moment. This is how otherness is represented. Alexieââ¬â¢s perspective on otherne ss is surely a part of his own personal experiences growing up as an Indian in America. He grew up on a Washington reservation as part of a marginalized community. On top of that, he had a childhood disease which marked him out as different (Konigsberg). These things certainly shaped his relationships with others. He must have felt like an outsider looking in, a victim of other peoplesââ¬â¢ preconceptions about him. It is useful to teach our children about these kinds of issues because they crop up everywhere in society. However, the discussion can be a little complex. The
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Pet Cemetery :: essays research papers
Pet Sematary à à à à à Louis Creed is a doctor who moves his family to Ludlow, Maine from Chicago because of a job he accepted as an MD at some University. His family (Rachel, his wife, Ellie, his daughter, and Gage, his baby son) are happy about moving, thought they soon will come to have reservations. Both children are hurt on the first day of the move. à à à à à à à à à à Louis makes friends with an old man across the road named Jud Crandall, who promises to show them where the path behind their house leads. It is with these three seemingly innocuous events that the spiral in toward darkness begins. à à à à à à à à à à The path behind the house ends up in a place known to the locals as the Pet cemetary. It is a graveyard for children's pets, most lost to the Interstate Road which seperates the Crandall's and the Creeds' homes. The gravestones are set in a spiraling pattern. à à à à à à à à à à Ellie has questions about death terrified that her cat Church will have to go to the Pet cemetary. Louis answers her honestly and later Rachel and him have an argument. She was Scared by the cemetary, and was uncomfortable with the idea of deth in general because at the age of eight Rachel witnessed her sister Zelda die of spinal Problems, an incident which scarred her for life. It only gets grimmer from here. à à à à à Louis's first day as a university MD is a horror. A guy named Victor Pascow is run over by a car. Before he dies he gives Creed an message warning him about the Pet cemetary and the grounds beyond. à à à à à During Thanksgiving vacation, while Louis's family is away, the cat Church is killed by a truck. Jud offers to help Louis, and brings him to the Pet cemetary. They arrive at the Micmac Indian burial grounds. Jud has Louis bury Church and build a stone cairn over the grave. Slowly Louis realizes the cairns are arranged in a spiral, like the markers at the Pet Sematary. Later, when Louis is home alone, Church returns. à à à à à The burial grounds make the dead come to life, but it has greater powers as well. It is a dark and secret place, a place which actually controlls matters of life, death, and obsession. After Church the cat returns he smells bad and acts vicious towards people. à à à à à When the family returns they decide to go to the park for a picnic.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Hippa and Information Technology Essay
In this checkpoint I will be discussing certain questions that involve HIPPA and information technology. With technology growing every single day, there are questions that are always involved when dealing with medical record issues. One question would be what advantages could a standardized medical records database offer? What HIPPA issues could arise? And why do you believe technology in the medical records management industry is so far behind other industries? These are the questions I will be answering in this checkpoint. I will start off by talking about the advantages a medical records database could offer. The main advantage of a standardized medical records database would be the convenience. To be able to locate a file with the push of a button would make work for the staff a lot faster. With paper documents it could take hours for another physician or hospital to obtain the information they would need. Another advantage would be the time it would take for a person to travel to and from their physician office to obtain their records for another facility. What HIPPA issues could arise? The main issue when dealing with medical records being online would be their patientââ¬â¢s information staying safe. In these days too many people are able to access sites and databases that should be secure. With people being able to hack and steal identities, this is a major problem when it comes to HIPPA issues. Another issue that could arise would be a patient not signing the forms to allow information to be posted. If a patient does not sign their name, their information should not be put online or given to any other individual. Who do you believe technology in the medical records management industry is so far behind other industries? I believe that the medical record management industry is behind others is because of security. The information that this industry deals with is very sensitive and should be protected at all costs. There are several laws that are in place to insure the protection of the patients and if any of their information were to be leaked, the facility would be in a position for legal action.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Research Project Advocating For Social Change Essay
Scholar Practitioner Project: Advocating for Social Change A few extra pounds does not suggest one is obese. However it can mean that one does have a tendency to gain weight very quickly. This usually means that there is a more serious need for more diet and exercise. In order for a child to be considered, they have to weight 10 percent higher than what is recommended for their body type and height. Obesity occurs mainly between the ages of 5 or 6 and sometimes during adolescence. Many Americans go thorough being obese during childhood. Doctors have started calling childhood obesity an epidemic. This is because there are a large number of children diagnosed as being obese each year. A small percentage of children, 1% to be exact are actually obese due to health related issues. During the past 30 years childhood obesity has quadrupled in children and adolescents (Ogden,, 2014). ââ¬Å"The percentage of children aged 6ââ¬â11 years in the United States who were obese increased from 7% in 1980 to nearly 18% in 2012. Similarly, the percentage of adolescents aged 12ââ¬â19 years who were obese increased from 5% to nearly 21% over the same periodâ⬠(Ogden,, 2014). During the year of 2012, there were one-third of children who were obese. Having an excessive amount of body weight has been defined as being ââ¬Å"overweight.â⬠The excess body weight is a combination of muscle, water, fat and bone (National Institute of Health, 2010). An excess amount of body fat is what professionals callShow MoreRelatedRole Of A Advocate Role Public Interest Groups And Social Workers1496 Words à |à 6 Pages 0884046 Political Process and Social Work AHSS 1190 Dennis Long November 9th, 2014 One of the primary objectives in a representative democracy is to cater to the publics need by understanding the issues of concern and constructive criticisms. In order for needs to be met or negotiated, groups of like-minded individuals form in hopes to influence the governmentââ¬â¢s direction by voicing their opinions. Public interest groups take on this role to enforce change that they believe serves the publicââ¬â¢sRead MoreSuicide Is A Serious Issue1679 Words à |à 7 PagesSuicide is one of the largest social problems today affecting many lives in one way or another. 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